- Paperback:?192 pages
- Publisher:?MyBooks Publication (2017)
- Language:?English
- ISBN-10:?9386474301
- ISBN-13:?978-9386474308
- Package Dimensions:?22 x 14 x 1.2 cm
Unleash The Hidden Potential
This book is immensely powerful and has that potential to change your thinking pattern about your situations of life. Provided – you yourself are passionate enough and willing at your heart and ready to bring in those positive changes to your life, then most definitely this book will do that for you. We all have the hidden potential and that is what author has justified sharing his practical life experiences and how he has overcome the problem which a common man go through.
Author has shared tips with some practical examples from his life as he had went through the weight loss journey, personality transformation,changing the job industry and other routine decisions which if anyone will follow can change the his life.
It then would help in jump start your journey on the path of a successful life.
What Sherry personally feel that one must think very practically. Keeping one’s life on the most realistic grounds and this one right approach would be enough to motivate us to reform and rebuild our cycle of habits. Once these habits are formed – they will frame a good model of our life.
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