- Paperback
- Publisher:?MyBooks Publication (29 November 2017)
- ISBN-10:?9386474565
- ISBN-13:?978-9386474568
- Package Dimensions:?21.9 x 13.6 x 0.9 cm
Emotions In My Basket
Full of interesting stories and memorable characters, the book acquaints you with emotions and their relevance in our lives. Spica has woven each emotion into a beautiful story and poetry. For the first time, Spica brings to you poems on emotions for children in this illustrated volume.
The stories will make you smile and some will make you think and wonder. A good read for children (6-10 yrs), their parents and teachers, this book is simple and engaging.
Spica makes a deliberate effort to make children understand emotions in a very meaningful manner. The stories like, “The Robot Racer”, “Crows Follow Sammy”, “The Writer’s Bungalow” and others take you to a new world of reality and adventure. Spica’s ideas and concepts come across nicely making this collection an exceptional and cohesive one.
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